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Should I Share or Should I Not?

Should I write about personal things or should I stay non-involved in matters I write about in my blog?

As I am brainstorming about the type of stuff I shall write about in these blog post, I wonder if I should discuss intimate matters with my readers. You.

As a matter of fact, I am now following a program my sister introduced me to, consisting of establishing goals and I decided that one of my goals would be to become a renowned and selling artist. It seems far-fetched but I truly believe that I can do it! I just have to put the pieces of the puzzle together and start constructing my life around what I have decided to do.

I have always been a firm believer of the power of the mind, “the Secret” was the book that opened my eye and my heart on this theory. However, a key ingredient to this secret is Action which is not always easy to put in place. It is easy to have big dreams… less easy to work to make them come true. I sincerely believe that we are capable of creating our own path and that what we focus on will become our experience. I believe that if we feel, hear sense and touch as if we already had what we wished for, that wish would just become reality. That’s the Cinderella story if you think about it! She was so focused on attending the ball to meet her Prince that her dream became true. This is kind of cheesy, but I want to dream big, I want to believe in fairy tales and most importantly I know that we are all connected in some way and that nothing is impossible. I should rather say Everything is Possible! After all life would be so boring without big dreams and a little bit of magic.

So my Big Dream is that I am a renowned and selling artist and that I am selling several paintings each week.

And today, I commit to Act. I will make my Big Dream come true!

This starts with allowing people to get to know me. How can I be known if I don’t reach out to the world? I have to put my shyness aside and share my thoughts, experience, ideas, likes and dislikes with you. I realise that this will not be easy for me because I have a hard time expressing my feelings but I shall take it as a form of therapy and commitment towards my goal.

I will write a blog post each and every day sharing with you my thoughts of the day. We will see where this leads us.

As you can see, I started this post questioning whether I would share with you or not and got my answer.

Now, I am asking you, will you share with me? So come on and let me know, Should I Share or Should I not?

Here is a jazzy version of Should I stay or should I go... just to set up the mood of the day.


This Blog is all about my love for Colors, Art, Food, Healthy living, Design & more generally about all the good and colorful things life has to offer.

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